DOVE Missions is a non-profit organization stationed in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic working with children and their families from the poor areas of Playa Oeste, Aguas Negras, and Barrio Nuevo. Please follow this blog to read about how DOVE serves those in need and how you, too, can lend a helping hand.
Click HERE to go to the website:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dental Care
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Party
Yesterday was Dove Mission's Christmas party, and it could not possibly have gone better! We had a live DJ come to the party and all the kids had fun dancing and taking part in the contests to win prizes (merengue contest, hoola hoop, etc.) There was a delicious dinner of chicken, rice, potato salad, cole slaw, and cupcakes; everyone had a blast. We then took the kids back to the Club where we met the Moms and shared cake and spent some time together. When it was time to leave, we handed out a huge gift bag to each child, which they (and the Moms) were so excited about and gracious for. This will most definitely be a Christmas that they will never forget. Sonia, one of the Moms, told us that her son Yoandi didn't sleep the following night because he was too excited looking through his Christmas bag. Thank you to everyone who made this possible; we couldn't have done it without you!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Emma and Matt
The following testimony is written by Emma Hills. She and her husband came all the way from Scotland and spent 2 days volunteering with Dove Missions in November. In 2010 she will be running a half marathon to raise money to repair our kids' houses.
In November this year I made my 8th visit to the DR, but was fed up with the tour operator trips where they only show you the side of the DR they want you to see. This, I knew, was not the real DR so with a bit of internet reasearch i found Dove Missions, looked at what they did, read the blogs, read about the kids and just got an overwhelming sense to help these kids.
After a few emails to the DR and looking at the wishlist I packed what I thought could help along with a basketball hoop for the Club and a basketball Cathy had asked for to reward good behavior to 3 boys whom were looked after by their grandmother, who looked after 18 kids!
On the day planned to spend with Dove, Liz picked us up from our hotel then on to Dove's Club. It was only about 10:30 but there were already boys waiting outside the club and this is where i first met Almondo, Eddie, and Alberto whom introduced themsleves to me in English, very impressive!
First job for my husband Matt at the club was to put up the hoop, which the kids went mad for, Domingo took charge with the drill!! With a few of the boys myself and Lisa started to make up baby packs for the new mums at the hospitial we were going to visit later. Thanks to Lisa and my friend Tracey we had lots of baby things and made loads of packs.
The day flew by and we went for lunch, then gave Jose Carlos, Leori and Yeuri their basketball which myself and Matt found very humbling how much they loved the ball and they kept thanking and hugging us for the rest of the day. The other main things that stick in my head are Andy being so lovely and him asking Cathy to take our picture and Almondo asking Matt if I was married then hugging and kissing me all the time!!! Also Alberto made myself a bracelet with my name in it - what a talented boy - it did bring a tear to my eye that he wanted to do that for me when I'm here to help and give them donations.
We then spent a 2nd day at the club, a Saturday so we could meet the girls to. Here we also met Diane and went to Aguas Negras and saw the Haitian school and on to Domingo's house where we met his Mum and the famous Chumchum (pig)!!!! Morning was Boys Club and Andy wrote me a lovely letter with a picture and gave it to me with a flower, Almondo gave me more hugs and kisses and Luis Daniel just wanted to be picked up and cuddled! Also this morning Matt, myself and some of the other volunters sorted through the donations that the club had and put all the stuff for the xmas baskets, separated them, labelled all the arts and crafts stuff - that was some going!!
The afternoon was Girls Club and Diane had donated 2 false nail painting kits and we made them with the girls - paint and glitter eveywhere but they loved it! I also had some girls clothes donated by a young friend of the family, Jessica and I had a beautiful dress that we gave to Elizabeth - she looked beautiful in it.

Saying goodbye was hard but cant wait to return in April and I'm trying to raise funds and ask people if they have any donations they feel they would like me to take already - I've seen how much they are needed and what a smile they can bring. Also when we return, May 4th is my 30th birthday and I can't think of a better way to spend it than with these kids!
Myself and Matt were also so touched by the kids and their housing, that we are trying to get a place on a local half marathon to raise money to re-roof these kids' homes. I can't imagine my roof leaking when it rains when I'm trying to sleep and these kids shouldn't have to have this happen to them. I have never ran anywhere in my life and have just started training and it so hard but will be well worth it if it stops one of the kids from getting wet while they are sleeping.

After a few emails to the DR and looking at the wishlist I packed what I thought could help along with a basketball hoop for the Club and a basketball Cathy had asked for to reward good behavior to 3 boys whom were looked after by their grandmother, who looked after 18 kids!
On the day planned to spend with Dove, Liz picked us up from our hotel then on to Dove's Club. It was only about 10:30 but there were already boys waiting outside the club and this is where i first met Almondo, Eddie, and Alberto whom introduced themsleves to me in English, very impressive!
First job for my husband Matt at the club was to put up the hoop, which the kids went mad for, Domingo took charge with the drill!! With a few of the boys myself and Lisa started to make up baby packs for the new mums at the hospitial we were going to visit later. Thanks to Lisa and my friend Tracey we had lots of baby things and made loads of packs.
The day flew by and we went for lunch, then gave Jose Carlos, Leori and Yeuri their basketball which myself and Matt found very humbling how much they loved the ball and they kept thanking and hugging us for the rest of the day. The other main things that stick in my head are Andy being so lovely and him asking Cathy to take our picture and Almondo asking Matt if I was married then hugging and kissing me all the time!!! Also Alberto made myself a bracelet with my name in it - what a talented boy - it did bring a tear to my eye that he wanted to do that for me when I'm here to help and give them donations.
We then spent a 2nd day at the club, a Saturday so we could meet the girls to. Here we also met Diane and went to Aguas Negras and saw the Haitian school and on to Domingo's house where we met his Mum and the famous Chumchum (pig)!!!! Morning was Boys Club and Andy wrote me a lovely letter with a picture and gave it to me with a flower, Almondo gave me more hugs and kisses and Luis Daniel just wanted to be picked up and cuddled! Also this morning Matt, myself and some of the other volunters sorted through the donations that the club had and put all the stuff for the xmas baskets, separated them, labelled all the arts and crafts stuff - that was some going!!
The afternoon was Girls Club and Diane had donated 2 false nail painting kits and we made them with the girls - paint and glitter eveywhere but they loved it! I also had some girls clothes donated by a young friend of the family, Jessica and I had a beautiful dress that we gave to Elizabeth - she looked beautiful in it.

Saying goodbye was hard but cant wait to return in April and I'm trying to raise funds and ask people if they have any donations they feel they would like me to take already - I've seen how much they are needed and what a smile they can bring. Also when we return, May 4th is my 30th birthday and I can't think of a better way to spend it than with these kids!
Myself and Matt were also so touched by the kids and their housing, that we are trying to get a place on a local half marathon to raise money to re-roof these kids' homes. I can't imagine my roof leaking when it rains when I'm trying to sleep and these kids shouldn't have to have this happen to them. I have never ran anywhere in my life and have just started training and it so hard but will be well worth it if it stops one of the kids from getting wet while they are sleeping.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Holiday Preparations
We are busy at the Club preparing for the Christmas party that will be held this Sunday for all of our children. We have a lot of volunteers coming to help out this Christmas, and the first of them arrived this week; Melissa Bazely (Dove's Volunteer Coordinator) and her Mom, Gail! So with their help, and two of the Mothers in the Club, we spread out little pieces of paper with the kids' names all across the Club to sort gifts for their Christmas baskets. Gifts were distributed according to age, gender, and size. Each child will be getting a basket full of toys, clothes, shoes, school supplies, and much more. One of the Mothers commented that this will be the best Christmas ever for her kids! The Christmas party is being held this Sunday, so you still have time to donate! We are going to need about $1000 total for everything. Thank you to everyone who has donated already, and to everyone who donated supplies to fill the baskets!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Mi Descripción
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Around the Center
Here is what the Center is looking like right now with Christmas decorations and new supplies. The tree was a donation from Casa Nelson (a department store in Puerto Plata), and the cabinet was a donation from Shirley Smith, and Tony and Sharon Adams. A huge thank you to all of those people! The manger, pictured at the bottom, was created by our kids. It is made from palm tree leaves, and the pieces at the top are made from a specific palm tree leaf called Yagua, which is what the very poorest of Dominicans used to build their houses out of.

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Meeting the Castillos
The following testimony was written by Celeste Bettino. She volunteered with Dove Missions for 2 days in November, and also sponsors Leuri's family.
My November 09 mission trip was certainly a unique first-hand experience.
I was very impressed with the building and especially the way Liz and Cathy have partitioned it off for different activities. The number of donations the Mission has received--clothes, games, education material and medical supplies was also impressive. I was at the Mission’s Boys and Girls Club for two days; the first day, Monday, November 9 was a holiday and Club staff were preparing for a holiday celebration later in the afternoon. The morning was devoted to home visits and delivering parcels to sponsored families. It was wonderful to glimpse their grateful and appreciative reactions.
Although I had previously done mission work in Cuba and observed impoverished areas with dilapidated housing, the housing conditions in the Puerto Plata slum areas were beyond dilapidated; they are utterly deplorable with families living in makeshift housing with substandard or non-existent sanitary facilities.
After we completed several home visits, we returned to the Boys and Girls Club and finished setting up for holiday party. An eager group of children were waiting outside for the Club to open and the party to begin. The children were elated to be at the Club and so appreciative that they kept thanking us over and over again for the party. It was obvious to me that the Club has had and continues to have a significant impact on these children.
At this party I was fortunate to meet my sponsored family, the Castillos. They have four sons; I am sponsoring Leuri, the Castillo’s oldest son. Mr. Castillo attended this party. I was told later that it was rare for a father to attend an event at the Club. It was obvious to me that Mr. Castillo is grateful for this opportunity and is very interested in improving the living conditions of his family. I was especially honored when Mr. Castillo told me I was always welcome in his home.

On my second mission day, Saturday, November 14, I along with other volunteers spent the day sorting through the mounds of donations and organizing them by content. The intent of which was to make Christmas gift baskets for the families.
The younger children arrived around 11:00 a.m. and were shown a video on respect and acceptable behavior. The Club staff teacher, Teresa, reinforced concepts in this video. It appears to me that she is totally committed to this Club. She was especially gentle in the way she handled the children and kept redirecting them to the lesson when they became restless and unfocused. I was told that the children have come a long way from the disorderly group they previously were.
The DOVE Missions staff is doing exceptional work with these children. The children I observed were so eager to be at the Club and enthusiastic in their use of Club resources. The children know that there are people who care. The education requirement that the Club imposes to be eligible for sponsorship is significant. Education is the key to improvement.
I look forward to returning to Puerto Plata and continuing my involvement with DOVE Missions.
My November 09 mission trip was certainly a unique first-hand experience.
I was very impressed with the building and especially the way Liz and Cathy have partitioned it off for different activities. The number of donations the Mission has received--clothes, games, education material and medical supplies was also impressive. I was at the Mission’s Boys and Girls Club for two days; the first day, Monday, November 9 was a holiday and Club staff were preparing for a holiday celebration later in the afternoon. The morning was devoted to home visits and delivering parcels to sponsored families. It was wonderful to glimpse their grateful and appreciative reactions.
Although I had previously done mission work in Cuba and observed impoverished areas with dilapidated housing, the housing conditions in the Puerto Plata slum areas were beyond dilapidated; they are utterly deplorable with families living in makeshift housing with substandard or non-existent sanitary facilities.
After we completed several home visits, we returned to the Boys and Girls Club and finished setting up for holiday party. An eager group of children were waiting outside for the Club to open and the party to begin. The children were elated to be at the Club and so appreciative that they kept thanking us over and over again for the party. It was obvious to me that the Club has had and continues to have a significant impact on these children.
At this party I was fortunate to meet my sponsored family, the Castillos. They have four sons; I am sponsoring Leuri, the Castillo’s oldest son. Mr. Castillo attended this party. I was told later that it was rare for a father to attend an event at the Club. It was obvious to me that Mr. Castillo is grateful for this opportunity and is very interested in improving the living conditions of his family. I was especially honored when Mr. Castillo told me I was always welcome in his home.

On my second mission day, Saturday, November 14, I along with other volunteers spent the day sorting through the mounds of donations and organizing them by content. The intent of which was to make Christmas gift baskets for the families.
The younger children arrived around 11:00 a.m. and were shown a video on respect and acceptable behavior. The Club staff teacher, Teresa, reinforced concepts in this video. It appears to me that she is totally committed to this Club. She was especially gentle in the way she handled the children and kept redirecting them to the lesson when they became restless and unfocused. I was told that the children have come a long way from the disorderly group they previously were.
The DOVE Missions staff is doing exceptional work with these children. The children I observed were so eager to be at the Club and enthusiastic in their use of Club resources. The children know that there are people who care. The education requirement that the Club imposes to be eligible for sponsorship is significant. Education is the key to improvement.
I look forward to returning to Puerto Plata and continuing my involvement with DOVE Missions.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A New Appreciation
The following testimony was written by Michael Varga about the 2 days that he spent volunteering with Dove Missions. He sponsors Yeffri's family.
In November 2009, I went on two service trips. The first trip involved the setup of a party for the kids and parents of the Boys and Girls Club along with some home visits. The second trip involved the sorting of various donations that the Boys and Girls Club had received. I also met the child that I am sponsoring, Yeffri, during the trips. At first, I felt extremely sad to see the conditions that they and their families live in. But as the day went on and as I started to interact with kids, my sadness was slowly replaced with an overwhelming sense of happiness as I saw how appreciative the kids were with everything we were doing. The service trips were truly a life altering event for me. I now have a whole new appreciation for every day life and for everything that I take for granted that those families just do not have.
In November 2009, I went on two service trips. The first trip involved the setup of a party for the kids and parents of the Boys and Girls Club along with some home visits. The second trip involved the sorting of various donations that the Boys and Girls Club had received. I also met the child that I am sponsoring, Yeffri, during the trips. At first, I felt extremely sad to see the conditions that they and their families live in. But as the day went on and as I started to interact with kids, my sadness was slowly replaced with an overwhelming sense of happiness as I saw how appreciative the kids were with everything we were doing. The service trips were truly a life altering event for me. I now have a whole new appreciation for every day life and for everything that I take for granted that those families just do not have.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
November Newsletter
Below is a short excerpt from the November 2009 Newsletter. Click HERE to read it all!
Greetings from the Dominican Republic!
What an exciting year! As the holidays approach there is much anticipation here to celebrate all of the great things that have happened with Dove Missions this last year. We were blessed with over 200 volunteers visiting us, sharing their time, talents and donations. With your support, we offered much needed help to the girl’s orphanage, hospital, Mustard Seed and Casa Nazarete disabled children’s homes. We painted houses, rebuilt schools and bought 50 children school uniforms and supplies. Your donations provided education, food, clean water, clothes, medicine, pampers and formula to hundreds of desperately poor children and families.
With your help we started our “club” in January as a pilot program with 12 street boys and by June we added 60 more children, and included girls programming. We had to utilize churches and schools for our classrooms until our new space was renovated. By September we were up and running in our new Vocational and Recreational center. We have over 80 children enrolled in our programs and a lengthy waiting list as well. Our programs include 6 main areas: Library and Computer Lab, Sports and Recreation Center, Health and Wellness, Art and Theater, Learning center, Vocational Training.

All of these programs are in need of sponsorship. We are able to provide a safe place for these children to receive a meal, opportunities to learn and grow and give them the hope they need to survive their current conditions. They have been sold into prostitution, violated in pedophilia rings, have parents dying of AIDS, on drugs and in jail and some are living with other family members or friends and are used as child laborers. We have kept them off of the streets and in school. We are keeping them fed and provide emergency medical relief. For every single child in our program, the “club” is a safe haven from the violence in the streets and in the home. A sandwich and juice at the club may be the only food they receive that day. It is a beacon of love and security that they have never experienced before.
Starting the New Year, we do not have the funding needed to keep the center operational, especially with the programming we have planned. I am asking you to partner with us by sending a financial gift this Christmas. Without our presence in this community, these children will be sent back into the streets, sold into the sex trades and used as child laborers and thieves.

Thank you for your continued support in Dove Missions programs. We especially need your support this coming year. Please know that whatever you can give will go a long way—and it will be very special because you cared enough to give it! With your help, we can fulfill our promise that Dove Missions will provide these children, who face so many uncertainties to know one thing for sure: Dove Missions will always be there with a smile, a word of encouragement and the gift of hope for the future.
Thank you,
Elizabeth McKie
Executive Director and Founder
Dove Missions
Greetings from the Dominican Republic!
What an exciting year! As the holidays approach there is much anticipation here to celebrate all of the great things that have happened with Dove Missions this last year. We were blessed with over 200 volunteers visiting us, sharing their time, talents and donations. With your support, we offered much needed help to the girl’s orphanage, hospital, Mustard Seed and Casa Nazarete disabled children’s homes. We painted houses, rebuilt schools and bought 50 children school uniforms and supplies. Your donations provided education, food, clean water, clothes, medicine, pampers and formula to hundreds of desperately poor children and families.
With your help we started our “club” in January as a pilot program with 12 street boys and by June we added 60 more children, and included girls programming. We had to utilize churches and schools for our classrooms until our new space was renovated. By September we were up and running in our new Vocational and Recreational center. We have over 80 children enrolled in our programs and a lengthy waiting list as well. Our programs include 6 main areas: Library and Computer Lab, Sports and Recreation Center, Health and Wellness, Art and Theater, Learning center, Vocational Training.
All of these programs are in need of sponsorship. We are able to provide a safe place for these children to receive a meal, opportunities to learn and grow and give them the hope they need to survive their current conditions. They have been sold into prostitution, violated in pedophilia rings, have parents dying of AIDS, on drugs and in jail and some are living with other family members or friends and are used as child laborers. We have kept them off of the streets and in school. We are keeping them fed and provide emergency medical relief. For every single child in our program, the “club” is a safe haven from the violence in the streets and in the home. A sandwich and juice at the club may be the only food they receive that day. It is a beacon of love and security that they have never experienced before.
Starting the New Year, we do not have the funding needed to keep the center operational, especially with the programming we have planned. I am asking you to partner with us by sending a financial gift this Christmas. Without our presence in this community, these children will be sent back into the streets, sold into the sex trades and used as child laborers and thieves.
Thank you for your continued support in Dove Missions programs. We especially need your support this coming year. Please know that whatever you can give will go a long way—and it will be very special because you cared enough to give it! With your help, we can fulfill our promise that Dove Missions will provide these children, who face so many uncertainties to know one thing for sure: Dove Missions will always be there with a smile, a word of encouragement and the gift of hope for the future.
Thank you,
Elizabeth McKie
Executive Director and Founder
Dove Missions
Friday, December 4, 2009
Girls Club Crafts
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Calling All Sponsors!
Just a quick note to all of those people reading who sponsor a family through Dove. Eventually, we are hoping to be able to get Internet in the Dove Missions Center; this will be a great tool to helping the kids learn and teaching them computer skills. In anticipation of this, we are asking that all sponsors email us a short paragraph about who they are, and a picture or two. The kids love knowing who sponsors them, and this way, we can pull up the blog during the Club and show them pictures and information of their sponsors.
You can see Loraina and Kathiana's page for an example of how this will work. If you are interested in this, email your photo(s) and info to Nikki at Feel free to add any little details (for example, if you have any pets) that you think kids might be interested in knowing. Thanks!
You can see Loraina and Kathiana's page for an example of how this will work. If you are interested in this, email your photo(s) and info to Nikki at Feel free to add any little details (for example, if you have any pets) that you think kids might be interested in knowing. Thanks!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Character Counts

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Holiday Party for Hope
We would like to take a moment to recognize two of our Dove Missions volunteers, Melissa Bazely and Samantha Short, pictured together below in the Dominican in May. They were working with Dove Missions in the summer, and will be back both over the holidays and next summer for several months. They have seen Dove's huge need, and are fundraising to help cover the costs of some of our programs. They are holding a Spaghetti Dinner on December 2nd in Barrie, Ontario, so if anyone lives in that area, be sure to check it out for a great cause! Or, you could contact either of them to get ideas on how to start your own fundraiser for Dove Missions! You can contact Melissa at for advice on fundraising for Dove. We have so many programs in the works, and just need the funds to get started!
The Holiday Party of Hope will be held at Holly United Church, 211 Marsellus Dr. on Dec. 2 from 6 p. m. to 9 p. m. A spaghetti dinner and desserts will be served. Tickets are $15 dollars in advance at the church, and $20 at the door. Children ages five to 12 are $5 and those under age five are free.
Click HERE to read the full article.
The Holiday Party of Hope will be held at Holly United Church, 211 Marsellus Dr. on Dec. 2 from 6 p. m. to 9 p. m. A spaghetti dinner and desserts will be served. Tickets are $15 dollars in advance at the church, and $20 at the door. Children ages five to 12 are $5 and those under age five are free.
Click HERE to read the full article.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Painting Nails
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Christmas Preparations!

The kids are already very excited. Most of the families that they come from do not do anything special for Christmas. If they can afford it, they will have a special dinner. We already have the Center covered in Christmas decorations, complete with a little Charlie Brown Christmas tree! This is going to be a really special time for the kids, and we need your help to make it happen! You can see Cathy and Liz on the picture to the left, and Eddie, Oliver, and Angel below. We would like to thank Todd and Cindy Evans for the donation of all the Christmas decorations!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Music Program
We are definitely going to go ahead with the music program. We have arranged a music teacher from Brazil that has been living here for years. Tadeu will spend the first 2 months constructing instruments from recycled materials, milk cans, PVC tube, water jugs, bamboo, etc. he will help the older boys do this, the next 4 months he will be teaching the boys and some of the bigger kids to play in a band, some will play, some will sing, and some will dance. They will be writing their own songs, and their own music. At the end they will be producing a CD, the music will be that good.
We are starting this music program because music is an important part of these children's lives and they light up dancing and singing when they hear music playing. The program design would include the teacher, instruments, all construction, tools, and buses to hotels to play. It is top of the line instruction at a hefty price of $600.00 a month for a 6 month program. We have others interested in donating, and once we receive enough donations to cover the whole program we will begin.
The children are so excited, and with the recording of the CD, all our sponsors will have an opportunity to hear their donation in action!

This is the main project we are working on fundaising for right now. If you are interested in donating, please click on the paypal button on the right sidebar. In the box, note that it is for the music program. Thank you so much!
We are starting this music program because music is an important part of these children's lives and they light up dancing and singing when they hear music playing. The program design would include the teacher, instruments, all construction, tools, and buses to hotels to play. It is top of the line instruction at a hefty price of $600.00 a month for a 6 month program. We have others interested in donating, and once we receive enough donations to cover the whole program we will begin.
The children are so excited, and with the recording of the CD, all our sponsors will have an opportunity to hear their donation in action!
This is the main project we are working on fundaising for right now. If you are interested in donating, please click on the paypal button on the right sidebar. In the box, note that it is for the music program. Thank you so much!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Laptops Needed

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Kite Making
The Boys Club spent a class working on kite making. The kids are so creative and love doing projects like this. They went home with their kites, and shortly after, ran back to the Center to show Liz and Cathy their kites. They pointed in the distance, and there, tied to the house of one of the boys, were their kites flying high!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Bites, Cuts, and Infections
As you have probably seen, we have a post outlining a list of items that we need to be donated here at the Center. Some of the most important supplies needed are in the health and medical care area, such as Advil, children's Tylenol, skin cream (polysporin), rash medicine, bandaids, etc. These photos demonstrate why we need these items. Loraina was bit by a bee while she was sleeping, and Kelvin's hand was bit by a dog. We often have kids coming to the Center with infections and cuts and scrapes that we can treat easily if we have these supplies. Loraina spent 2 days like this before she came to the Club and we saw, and gave her Benedryl, and Kelvin had to go to the hospital for an injection.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Vehicle Fund
We would like to thank everyone who donated towards the Vehicle Fund over the past few months, espcially Todd and Cindy Evans who worked hard to make this happen. Liz was in great need of a vehicle. She spent a lot of time bringing volunteers around Puerto Plata, as well as transporting kids in the Club, and without a vehicle of her own, a lot of money was being spent on hiring a driver. We are very excited to announce that enough money was raised for Liz to purchase a vehicle; in perfect timing as we had lots of volunteers helping out at Dove Missions this week who needed transportation! This will cut down on a lot of costs for hiring drivers, and will make showing our volunteers around a lot easier. Thank you again to everyone who made this possible!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Baby Steps
The following was written by Cathy Flynn, Dove's Vocational and Recreation Center Program Director: I had some visitors from England this week, and they came along to the Center. While I was at the Center talking to them, Titi came up to me and started tapping my leg saying (permiso) excuse me, so that he could speak to me. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but for weeks now Liz and I have been drilling into them that they have to say excuse me if they want to interrupt a conversation. Well he finally did, and I cried!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Educating Our Girls
“Once you educate the boys, they tend to leave the villages and go to search for work in the cities… But the girls stay home, become leaders in the community, and pass on what they’ve learned. If you really want to change a culture, to empower women, improve basic hygiene and health care, and fight high rates of infant mortality, the answer is to educate girls” (Three Cups of Tea)

Friday, November 6, 2009
Vitamin Program
Dove Missions is going to be launching a new Vitamin Program for the kids in the new year, the first week of January. Many of the kids who attend the Boys and Girls Clubs have very limited diets and don't get all the nutrition their bodies need. Vitamins will help balance their nutrition and keep them healthy.
As of now, we have collected 7800 vitamins!! This is enough to launch an 8 month program for about half of our children! We haven't decided yet which children will take part in the program; we are thinking of possibly doing one gender (either all the girls, or all the boys) or doing it by age (all the kids 9 and under). We will post final details in January when the program launches.
The vitamins will be organized into small bags with 7 vitamins in each bag (see the photo). Every Saturday when the kids are at Club, we will hand out a bag that will have enough vitamins for that week. Before the program launches, we will hold a nutrition classes for the kids and their mothers, teaching them about the importance of vitamins and how and why their kids should take them.

All that said, the long term goal is to have enough vitamins for all the kids in the Dove Missions program. We also hope to extend this program past 8 months. Because of this, we would greatly appreciate donations of vitamins from anyone coming to Puerto Plata to volunteer at the Center. We are using any kind of chewable children's multivitamin. For people wishing to help from Canada, you can donate using Shoppers Drug Mart points. Just go to the Shoppers website and click on Shoppers Optimum, and then Transfer Points ( You will have to enter in your card information, and then put in the following card info. You will need the last 9 digits of my card, which are: 893 742 330

Contact Nikki at if you want more info on how you can support this program.
As of now, we have collected 7800 vitamins!! This is enough to launch an 8 month program for about half of our children! We haven't decided yet which children will take part in the program; we are thinking of possibly doing one gender (either all the girls, or all the boys) or doing it by age (all the kids 9 and under). We will post final details in January when the program launches.
The vitamins will be organized into small bags with 7 vitamins in each bag (see the photo). Every Saturday when the kids are at Club, we will hand out a bag that will have enough vitamins for that week. Before the program launches, we will hold a nutrition classes for the kids and their mothers, teaching them about the importance of vitamins and how and why their kids should take them.
All that said, the long term goal is to have enough vitamins for all the kids in the Dove Missions program. We also hope to extend this program past 8 months. Because of this, we would greatly appreciate donations of vitamins from anyone coming to Puerto Plata to volunteer at the Center. We are using any kind of chewable children's multivitamin. For people wishing to help from Canada, you can donate using Shoppers Drug Mart points. Just go to the Shoppers website and click on Shoppers Optimum, and then Transfer Points ( You will have to enter in your card information, and then put in the following card info. You will need the last 9 digits of my card, which are: 893 742 330
Contact Nikki at if you want more info on how you can support this program.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Busy Saturdays
Saturdays are BUSY at the Center! Throughout the day, we have Club with all of the kids! After the recent additions of some final children, we are at a grand total of 80 children that DOVE welcomes in the Clubs. For now, we are going to add just a few more kids off the wait list for waiting sponsors, and then we are going to stay at that number (around 85) as we work on raising support to grow the program to include more children; fundraising for things like rent payment, snacks for the kids, teachers, craft and educational materials, etc.
We have the kids split into five different groups by age and gender. Here are some photos! The Divas (girls aged 10-13) did not get a group photo, but there is one photo with some of them at work. The jefes (our older boys aged 14-17) also did not get a group picture, but you can check out some recent photos of them at their page.
Here are our dolphins. They are our girls aged 6-9. Top row in the top photo is: Mariely, Yani, Viviana, Camili, Meriledi, Claribel, and Heidy. Bottom row is: Lorani, Erica, Sindi, Stefany, Anamilka, Tania, Erica, Yamali, and Kathiana.

We also have divas, who are our girls aged 10-13. We didn't get a group photo on this particular Saturday, but here are some of the girls hard at work. Left to right is: Alani, Loraina, Vanessa, Patricia, and Yohani.

Here are our liones (lions). They are our boys aged 10-14. In this picture, you can see (left to right for top picture): Almondo, Franciel, Victor Manuel, Andy, Yordi, Leuri, Yeffri, Marcos, Richard, Marcos V., Eddie, Luis Manuel, and Oliver. Three of these boys (Oliver, Yordi, and Franciel) are actually in the jefe group but managed to sneak into this picture!

Here are the lobos (wolves). They are our boys aged 6-9. In this picture you can see (left to right for the top picture): Omar, Jose Antonio, Luis Daniel, Gustavo, Titi, Yoandi, Luis Gusatvo, Yesson, and Antonio.

And a group photo with all the kids (note that we did have several missing- all 80 are not in these photos).

We have the kids split into five different groups by age and gender. Here are some photos! The Divas (girls aged 10-13) did not get a group photo, but there is one photo with some of them at work. The jefes (our older boys aged 14-17) also did not get a group picture, but you can check out some recent photos of them at their page.
Here are our dolphins. They are our girls aged 6-9. Top row in the top photo is: Mariely, Yani, Viviana, Camili, Meriledi, Claribel, and Heidy. Bottom row is: Lorani, Erica, Sindi, Stefany, Anamilka, Tania, Erica, Yamali, and Kathiana.
We also have divas, who are our girls aged 10-13. We didn't get a group photo on this particular Saturday, but here are some of the girls hard at work. Left to right is: Alani, Loraina, Vanessa, Patricia, and Yohani.
Here are our liones (lions). They are our boys aged 10-14. In this picture, you can see (left to right for top picture): Almondo, Franciel, Victor Manuel, Andy, Yordi, Leuri, Yeffri, Marcos, Richard, Marcos V., Eddie, Luis Manuel, and Oliver. Three of these boys (Oliver, Yordi, and Franciel) are actually in the jefe group but managed to sneak into this picture!
Here are the lobos (wolves). They are our boys aged 6-9. In this picture you can see (left to right for the top picture): Omar, Jose Antonio, Luis Daniel, Gustavo, Titi, Yoandi, Luis Gusatvo, Yesson, and Antonio.
And a group photo with all the kids (note that we did have several missing- all 80 are not in these photos).
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Party
Raysa, the bear
Anamilka and Rosemary
Knights in shining armour
Tatiana, Sindi, and Rosi
The girls had a blast!
Two sets of princess sisters; Lorani and Alani, Loraina and Kathiana
Eddie the pirate
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