Our moms and grandmothers started their reading and writing class with Damaris this past Saturday.
11 mom's showed up, more than I expected. They were each given their own notebook, pencil and eraser, and it was like they were given gold.
They all spoke about how for whatever reason or another they were robbed of the chance to learn as children. Most because they lived in the country side and were up by 5 am to help with the chores all day.
Damaris spoke to them about not being embarrassed, as there was a bit of hesitation when they were signing up for this class. She reminded them that everyone learns at a different pace, and if it takes them a bit longer than the mom sitting beside them to catch on, remember to just ask questions and persevere.
One of the mom's said her dream by the end of the classes would be, to be able to sit on a bed and read a story to her daughter.
At the end of the class one of the grandmother's stood up and started praying with her hands in the air, the other mother's all chimed in. She thanked God after all these years, for giving her the opportunity to learn how to read and write. She thanked God for sending Liz and I into her lives and asked him to bless us always.
They were SOOO happy to be there it was really heartwarming.