Though a jewelry picture has been painted for Dove over the past several months, Monday officially began its kick-off! Several older girls who've shown particular interest in creating necklaces each selected a design offered by business operator, Jamie. The materials are natural beads and seeds from the earth, forming five combinations for the girls to work with. Along with their families, the girls will be responsible for selling the necklaces they create, giving part of their earnings to Dove, which contributes to the microloan program as well as provides the girls with new materials. These precious ladies are seeing the stirrings of starting their own business! We hope that not only this equips them for future job opportunities, but that it presently reaffirms that they are intelligent, beautiful girls with a future of exquisite potential. As we circled around in the Barrio, huddled in the heat of this budding talent, passing out beads and seeds, I was the one who felt blessed. God doesn't need little me to help these girls behold their value and loveliness; He doesn't require Dove to call out their dreams and intelligence. He's perfectly capable of doing that on His own. And yet He beckons us to share in the giving of His love, walking the yellow-brick road alongside each girl. The destination of that road is Christ. And every act we do is an overflow of His love- a golden stepping stone that leads these beautiful ladies closer to His heart. What a miracle.
On another happy note, we currently have two volunteers who have huge hearts for communicating Jesus to the kids! On Tuesday, they presented the Creation and the Fall story to two giant groups of young ones, and followed up the stories with a craft. The kids created their own animals with craft supplies and loved every second of it! We loved seeing their creative spirits!