Liz Rooney Sunel is the woman who started it all. Her journey began years ago while vacationing in the Dominican Republic and traveling the city of Puerto Plata. Liz instantly felt connected to the community in need and wanted to do more. So, at that point, she decided to move the life she built from Minnesota, USA to Puerto Plata, DR. And gosh, what a great move that was...
From then until now, the progress she has made is incredible. There are over 50-100 kids and families that Liz helps and serves on a daily basis in the surrounding neighborhoods in Puerto Plata. She has developed relationships with almost everyone in the city, and most would consider her a part of their family. Liz has a gift to touch lives, to heal souls, and to help and guide families in the right direction. The Club is such a success that there are wait lists for some children and families to become members, and there are more and more staff that are being hired to help because of the increase of people signing up every day. And there is even talk of building a newer, bigger club so that more can join. Liz also travels to Haiti once in a while to help with the poorer families by bringing clothing, food, and love.
Did you know that last year, Liz was featured as one of the Top Philanthropists recognized by The United States? Read an interview of hers here:
DOVE Missions is an incredible organization. Become a volunteer or a supporter today. For more information, please visit our website at
DOVE Missions is a non-profit organization stationed in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic working with children and their families from the poor areas of Playa Oeste, Aguas Negras, and Barrio Nuevo. Please follow this blog to read about how DOVE serves those in need and how you, too, can lend a helping hand.
Click HERE to go to the website:
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Meet the Newest Members of our YDC Team!
"Labels mean little. It is the feeling
that emanates from their being that will be your compass of rightness. All that is required of anyone who wishes to connect with
you is to accept you with all your marvelous new facets." -Brenda Hoffman
Hello Friends, Family and Supporters!
All of us here at DOVE believe in the importance of developing and sustaining relationships, and valuing the significance of that reciprocity. We want to thank all those who have served with us, supported our mission, and have given prayers, time and energy to our children and families here in the Dominican. We wouldn't be who we are without YOU!
DOVE has two new staff members that help out at The Club. We would like to introduce you to Juan Gonzalez and Martina Hiresova!

THANK YOU Juan and Martina for all that you have done for DOVE thus far, and WELCOME to our team! :)
We are proud to say that DOVE is growing stronger every day because of your support and care. Your selflessness really means the world to us! We are so grateful, thank you from all our hearts!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Hope + Faith = Miracles
Miracles happen everyday, and life is something to celebrate.
Despite the corrupt experiences and situations that happen daily to our Haitian and Dominican children... one thing is consistently seen and always shines the brightest while they are at the club, and that is their faith in themselves, in each other, and faith in hopes for a better life. DOVE strives to honor each personality, spirit, life, and personal situation of each child to make sure they feel comfortable, liked and welcomed while at the club. DOVE's Youth Development Center is a "home" way from home. Every child has the opportunity to just live in their child spirit without worrying about being in a dangerous place or situation. They are free to relax, learn general education and specific trades, and make lasting friendships with Staff, volunteers and other children who are members at the club.
Life is a moment to celebrate, to enjoy. DOVE makes this celebration fun by allowing the children to enter a sacred place - a place for a kid to Just Be a kid. This place is the Youth Development Center, The Club. DOVE teaches the children to have Hope. Hope in themselves and in the future that they have a right to live. A life they have the right to affirm to. When there is Hope in the eyes of a child, there is room for Faith to grow. When Faith is internally believed, appreciated, and not questioned... it turns into a life of Miracles. To learn and understand the underlying structure of Hope, one thing must be realized first. We never need to depend on "outside" circumstances to make us celebrate life.
Celebrating the Joy and Happiness of life is an internal job. It is our intuition and innate feelings that allow us to experience ourselves deep within. When we are grateful for this inner knowing (our moments to celebrate Hope, Faith, Joy and Happiness) we are abundantly presented with Miracles for our greater good. This small description is a part of what DOVE offers to the children at the club. Giving them room to Hope and have Faith for a better life, blesses them with endless opportunities, Miracles, to grow with the better part of life.
Become a DOVE volunteer today and help to inspire Hope and Faith in the life of a child in need.
Despite the corrupt experiences and situations that happen daily to our Haitian and Dominican children... one thing is consistently seen and always shines the brightest while they are at the club, and that is their faith in themselves, in each other, and faith in hopes for a better life. DOVE strives to honor each personality, spirit, life, and personal situation of each child to make sure they feel comfortable, liked and welcomed while at the club. DOVE's Youth Development Center is a "home" way from home. Every child has the opportunity to just live in their child spirit without worrying about being in a dangerous place or situation. They are free to relax, learn general education and specific trades, and make lasting friendships with Staff, volunteers and other children who are members at the club.
Life is a moment to celebrate, to enjoy. DOVE makes this celebration fun by allowing the children to enter a sacred place - a place for a kid to Just Be a kid. This place is the Youth Development Center, The Club. DOVE teaches the children to have Hope. Hope in themselves and in the future that they have a right to live. A life they have the right to affirm to. When there is Hope in the eyes of a child, there is room for Faith to grow. When Faith is internally believed, appreciated, and not questioned... it turns into a life of Miracles. To learn and understand the underlying structure of Hope, one thing must be realized first. We never need to depend on "outside" circumstances to make us celebrate life.
Celebrating the Joy and Happiness of life is an internal job. It is our intuition and innate feelings that allow us to experience ourselves deep within. When we are grateful for this inner knowing (our moments to celebrate Hope, Faith, Joy and Happiness) we are abundantly presented with Miracles for our greater good. This small description is a part of what DOVE offers to the children at the club. Giving them room to Hope and have Faith for a better life, blesses them with endless opportunities, Miracles, to grow with the better part of life.
Become a DOVE volunteer today and help to inspire Hope and Faith in the life of a child in need.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
DOVE Reviews
"I was welcomed like a family member when I arrived. The experience was amazing from the moment I was picked up, visiting the Club House filled with smiling and loving children. Playing volleyball, hopscotch and putting puzzles together. Being around the children was SO fulfilling. I was then taken to a couple of homes of the children to see where they lived and I knew immediately why at the Club the children were happy and comfortable. I had the experience of a lifetime that I will never forget and I will be returning with my husband before the end of the year so we can both volunteer together. Dove Missions has done it right, allowing you the best way to give back when you visit another country. God Bless You Dove Missions!!!" - Mary, Minneapolis, MN April 2013
"A Day to Remember"
"We spent the day with Dove Missions this past Tuesday. It is a day I will never forget. I learned that giving up a small portion of my vacation can make a difference in other people's lives. The power of one is where it starts. Liz is a wonderful giving person who is making the difference in kids lives each and every day. The families we visited in villages and various locations throughout the city have nothing. No running water, no bathrooms, but the are warm and happy people. If you want to experience real live of way too many families and children, spend some time with this organization. You will not forget it and it is a great way to spent quality time with a great organization." - Sue from California April 2013
"A Heartfelt Experience"
"My wife found the Dove Missions website purely by chance. It was the heartfelt message that touched us, so we decided to dig a little deeper. What we found!
Liz, the founder and CEO, has spent the last four years of her life dedicated to the development and caring of the youth of Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic), and doing it all on a very thin shoestring.
What she and her small staff have to offer is a day of "Voluntourism." You will be collected from your hotel by a member of staff, and given a chance to see the city, tour the barrios, have lunch, and then meet the kids (Our personal favorite ). Is there a cost? Yes, there is a small fee, but considering this venture is non-profit,our personal view is that it is money well spent , and probably more bang for your buck than you can get at some other "attractions" you may have visited on your travels.
Other reviews on Trip Advisor explain the program in much greater detail than I shall, so I urge you to read what others have written about their amazing time spent with Dove Missions.
The five star rating is well earned and for all the right reasons. No "watered down drinks"or "unmade beds" to complain about, no "rude waiters" trying to rip you off to be graded on Trip Advisor...
Just a few hours out of your lives to see how great we have it, and to see how others live, and what people like Liz and her staff are doing to enrich the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves . Give it a whirl, I think you will enjoy the journey." - gjgeary, Dallas, Texas March 2013
Please, read more great reviews about DOVE on the Trip Advisor website.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Voluntourism Program
Our Voluntourism Program is a unique and exciting opportunity to both volunteer with DOVE and vacation in the Dominican Republic. It is important as a volunteer to not only help those in need but to also experience the culture and the lifestyle of those living in Puerto Plata. When volunteering, it's important to remember that when you're serving the life of another individual you're entering their territory, their lifestyle, their culture. Most of these poorer families don't need "our" material items to make them feel happy and complete. As a DOVE volunteer, it is vital that the greatest gift we give them is love and friendship, and of course, a helping hand. Most of these families know what they want and need to succeed, and it's important that as a volunteer we help them achieve their goals by teaching them specific skills, helping them raise money to feed their families, assisting them with their language skills and supporting them in any other way that coincides with the society that they're a part of.
The Dominican Republic is a beautiful place. Despite all of the corrupt and horrible situations that happen in the poorer areas in most of these inter-city neighborhoods, every single Dominican and Haitian family is proud of their beautiful country. As a DOVE volunteer, you'll experience the life of service by helping out at the Youth Development Center and you will also have the opportunity to vacation in one of the most beautiful areas of the world. Everything from the authentic food, to hiking in the mountains, to simply just enjoying the beautiful scenery by the beach is a once in a lifetime experience.
DOVE is offering a wonderful opportunity for our volunteers! Before June 1st, 2013 gather a group of 4 to sign-up to volunteer with DOVE, and the 5th volunteer's Mission House fees will be waived! The trip must be scheduled within the 2013 year.
Contact Liz Rooney Sunel OR Melissa Almonte at:
We look forward to hearing from you!!

Contact Liz Rooney Sunel OR Melissa Almonte at:
We look forward to hearing from you!!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
A Recent Volunteer's Experience
Tessa, a volunteer from Minneapolis, Minnesota shares a bit her experience with DOVE Missions:
"The Mission house was comfortable, similar to a hostel. We didn't often eat there (only like 3 times) but when Nini (the Mission House caretaker) cooked it was authentic and delicious.
Volunteering was fantastic, we were at the club (aka the Youth Development Center) a lot sometimes informally with 2 formal volunteer days. I was shocked by the poverty and prostitution in the city and the barrios but that awareness made me more grateful for the opportunity to allow the kids time in their days to just be kids.
Other things I did on the trip: scub dive, 12 waterfall hike, cabarete, playa dorado, some great restaurants, and spent time at the kite bar.
The team that Liz has created is incredible. Each individual from Martina and Linley to Juan to gabby and mariana all fit so well together, support each other, we're so welcoming to me, and so passionate about their work." - Tessa, Minneapolis, MN 2013
Picture to the right: Tessa and Linley at the Kite bar participating in leisure activities through our "Voluntourism" program.
Picture below: Tessa helping some of our Haitian children we sponsor.
Picture below: Tessa helping some of our Haitian children we sponsor.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Every Story is Unique and Must Be Told...
Dear readers and supporters,
Welcome back to our blog page, and happy 2013. DOVE would like to invite you to become a follower of this blog so that the essence of the Mission and the support of this incredible program continue to grow and prosper with all the good it is connected to. And most importantly, becoming a supporter of this page will influence exciting opportunities DOVE has yet to meet. Please share our Mission with others by reading our story! By DOVE's name being passed on through word of mouth and by following our media websites, countless lives will be saved and touched, including the lives of the volunteers, the staff members, of course the children, and most importantly -- your own. Our story is unique... and must be told.
Below is an excerpt from a woman who shares her experience the last few days in Puerto Plata as a DOVE volunteer:
"When I first arrived in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic I was overwhelmed by the contrast of events this country had to offer. I felt like I was living on the edge of two extremes and didn't know how to make sense of it. For example, one moment I would be seeing a man driving an expensive car and then within seconds I would see a group of families struggling to buy food for the day. I would see a beautiful and exotic hotel on one beach, and then just 3 miles down the shoreline there would be a beach that was fostered by garbage and sewage waste, and poor families living in cardboard box-like homes. It is common to see more of the poverty extreme in than the wealthy extreme. And this is why the DOVE program is so vital to Puerto Plata. Helping these poorer families is urgent.
The thing I love about the Youth Development Center (the building that offers food, shelter and clothing to the poorer children in Puerto Plata) is that it is in the heart of the city where families need it the most. Children can participate in any activity that is going on for the day, whether it is participating in an art project or playing basketball outside on the courtyard. One activity that I had participated in was taking the kids to the beach to participate in a yoga class. A lot of the children who come to the mission center do not have a lot of support or love from their families, even their own parents and relatives. Everything is like survival of the fittest, one man for himself. DOVE does not accept this kind of behavior so they help and love and support the children in any way possible.
The experience of this yoga class took place on a nice, clean beach, and this physical and mental exercise really guided the children to dig deep within their inner thoughts to find a sense of enlightenment and a state of peace. The point was to teach them that there is a lot of good feelings and good people in the world, especially within themselves, even in the midst of all the chaotic and corrupt things happening on the streets of Puerto Plata or even within their own home. The yoga instructor walked around and fixed everyone's posture, or whispered in their ears that they were important.. something so simple, but so important to a child's growth. Something so important to their heart and soul. This experience was so connecting. At times, when language became a barrier for communication, our body language said something different. We were all united by the respect for ourselves, the state of tranquillity, and a love for a mysterious higher power that connected us all. Every person left the beach that day with a smile so big that we all knew our lives were transformed for the better. This is the Mission and the inspiration of DOVE.
My journey is slowly coming to an end, and I have learned so much from being here in such a short amount of time. I believe that love can be felt in the darkest of places, that strangers can be synergized by compassion and a power of grace, and that tranquillity can be found in even the most bitter of moments." - Kristin from Minneapolis, MN - 2012 volunteer.
Every day is a new one.. a new event, a new problem, a new tear to wipe away from an innocent face. But with each new day, there is an opportunity for growth. To rise like a phoenix from the ashes, and to transform the bad experiences to good ones so that all can feel free, and fly like a newly transformed butterfly. Thank you DOVE Missions for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful organization. I will definitely be an individual who is a forever supporter and volunteer for your mission.
"And when we pay attention and when we grow, we become freer, more flexible, more faithful, more able to ask for help. We become less fearful, more able, more comfortable with the idea of life as a beautiful mess. You want me to say that when you grow, finally, all the changes will stop, but they won't. There will be another one, another opportunity to grow, to shed your skin, to rise like a phoenix from the ashes, to break out of your cocoon like a perfect new butterfly." -Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet
Welcome back to our blog page, and happy 2013. DOVE would like to invite you to become a follower of this blog so that the essence of the Mission and the support of this incredible program continue to grow and prosper with all the good it is connected to. And most importantly, becoming a supporter of this page will influence exciting opportunities DOVE has yet to meet. Please share our Mission with others by reading our story! By DOVE's name being passed on through word of mouth and by following our media websites, countless lives will be saved and touched, including the lives of the volunteers, the staff members, of course the children, and most importantly -- your own. Our story is unique... and must be told.
Below is an excerpt from a woman who shares her experience the last few days in Puerto Plata as a DOVE volunteer:
"When I first arrived in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic I was overwhelmed by the contrast of events this country had to offer. I felt like I was living on the edge of two extremes and didn't know how to make sense of it. For example, one moment I would be seeing a man driving an expensive car and then within seconds I would see a group of families struggling to buy food for the day. I would see a beautiful and exotic hotel on one beach, and then just 3 miles down the shoreline there would be a beach that was fostered by garbage and sewage waste, and poor families living in cardboard box-like homes. It is common to see more of the poverty extreme in than the wealthy extreme. And this is why the DOVE program is so vital to Puerto Plata. Helping these poorer families is urgent.
The thing I love about the Youth Development Center (the building that offers food, shelter and clothing to the poorer children in Puerto Plata) is that it is in the heart of the city where families need it the most. Children can participate in any activity that is going on for the day, whether it is participating in an art project or playing basketball outside on the courtyard. One activity that I had participated in was taking the kids to the beach to participate in a yoga class. A lot of the children who come to the mission center do not have a lot of support or love from their families, even their own parents and relatives. Everything is like survival of the fittest, one man for himself. DOVE does not accept this kind of behavior so they help and love and support the children in any way possible.
The experience of this yoga class took place on a nice, clean beach, and this physical and mental exercise really guided the children to dig deep within their inner thoughts to find a sense of enlightenment and a state of peace. The point was to teach them that there is a lot of good feelings and good people in the world, especially within themselves, even in the midst of all the chaotic and corrupt things happening on the streets of Puerto Plata or even within their own home. The yoga instructor walked around and fixed everyone's posture, or whispered in their ears that they were important.. something so simple, but so important to a child's growth. Something so important to their heart and soul. This experience was so connecting. At times, when language became a barrier for communication, our body language said something different. We were all united by the respect for ourselves, the state of tranquillity, and a love for a mysterious higher power that connected us all. Every person left the beach that day with a smile so big that we all knew our lives were transformed for the better. This is the Mission and the inspiration of DOVE.
My journey is slowly coming to an end, and I have learned so much from being here in such a short amount of time. I believe that love can be felt in the darkest of places, that strangers can be synergized by compassion and a power of grace, and that tranquillity can be found in even the most bitter of moments." - Kristin from Minneapolis, MN - 2012 volunteer.
Every day is a new one.. a new event, a new problem, a new tear to wipe away from an innocent face. But with each new day, there is an opportunity for growth. To rise like a phoenix from the ashes, and to transform the bad experiences to good ones so that all can feel free, and fly like a newly transformed butterfly. Thank you DOVE Missions for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful organization. I will definitely be an individual who is a forever supporter and volunteer for your mission.
"And when we pay attention and when we grow, we become freer, more flexible, more faithful, more able to ask for help. We become less fearful, more able, more comfortable with the idea of life as a beautiful mess. You want me to say that when you grow, finally, all the changes will stop, but they won't. There will be another one, another opportunity to grow, to shed your skin, to rise like a phoenix from the ashes, to break out of your cocoon like a perfect new butterfly." -Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet
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