DOVE Missions is a non-profit organization stationed in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic working with children and their families from the poor areas of Playa Oeste, Aguas Negras, and Barrio Nuevo. Please follow this blog to read about how DOVE serves those in need and how you, too, can lend a helping hand.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reading and Writing Class Begins!

This was written by our Center's Direcotr, Cathy Flynn:

Our moms and grandmothers started their reading and writing class with Damaris this past Saturday.

11 mom's showed up, more than I expected. They were each given their own notebook, pencil and eraser, and it was like they were given gold.

They all spoke about how for whatever reason or another they were robbed of the chance to learn as children. Most because they lived in the country side and were up by 5 am to help with the chores all day.

Damaris spoke to them about not being embarrassed, as there was a bit of hesitation when they were signing up for this class. She reminded them that everyone learns at a different pace, and if it takes them a bit longer than the mom sitting beside them to catch on, remember to just ask questions and persevere.

One of the mom's said her dream by the end of the classes would be, to be able to sit on a bed and read a story to her daughter.

At the end of the class one of the grandmother's stood up and started praying with her hands in the air, the other mother's all chimed in. She thanked God after all these years, for giving her the opportunity to learn how to read and write. She thanked God for sending Liz and I into her lives and asked him to bless us always.

They were SOOO happy to be there it was really heartwarming.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And Kids - Just wanna have fun!

DOVE has certainely been keeping our kids busy! On top of the music program and the puppet program, they have been doing a lot of other activities. They made crafts for Valentines Day, they have been playing sports, and the younger kids have been working with our teachers on various activities. We have also had some volunteers down visiting! Here are some pictures from the past few weeks of different things the kids have been doing.

Puppets, Puppets, Puppets!!!

In the last post about the music program, it focused on the fact that the kids are learning and growing so fast because DOVE's programs are drawing on what the kids love. Our puppetry program is another one that they are loving. The kids have been working hard over the past couple of months to make thier puppets out of paper mache, and lots of other cool craft materials.

The puppets are really looking great, and the kids really have something to be proud of. The puppet program is great because the kids will have a finished product at the end, and be able to say "I did that"!

This program is really bringing out a whole new side of the kids, and giving them a chance to really express thier creativity. Thier puppets look absolutely amazing, and you can tell that the kids really worked hard and put thier imagination into making them.

Musical Adventures

It has been a while since our last update; but no fear our musicians are here!
The kids have been working hard on creating their instruments, practicing thier vocal cords and making costumes to go along with their show

A few weeks ago they were supposed to perform in the carnival in Puerto Plata, but ended up getting rained out; they ended up performing at a pizza place instead.

They were a little disappointed at first about missing the carnival, but as the pictures show, they ended up having a blast.
The kids are really developing their talents, and having fun at the same time. They are improving thier team work skills, as well as their musical skills.

Cathy, our club director as well as Tadeo their music teacher, and Liz, DOVE's on ground founder, have all watched as the kids have come out of their shells and really began to show thier true colours.

It is DOVE's dream that these kids learn skills that they will be able to use in their lives to get jobs. One of the best ways to do this is to find out what the kids are good at, and draw on that to teach and help them learn. It is much easier to learn something when you enjoy what you are doing; and this is what DOVE is finding with the kids - they are picking up very quickly on what they are being taught because they LOVE it!