A couple nights ago, there was a massive rainstorm in the Dominican Republic. There were landslides from the mountains, and the river in Agua Negra had garbage in it that plugged the flow of the water. The river overflowed, and 18 different barrios are suffering because of it. Agua Negra was hit the hardest.

Cathy, our director, opened the club yesterday, and the kids started showing up seeking relief. The kids were very tired, they had been up all night with their parents trying to keep the water out and/or cleaning up the mud. Cathy gave them all something to eat, and they just sat and played quietly.

They told her that when they did have to lie down to sleep last night, they slept on the top of their tables.

Their beds were all wet and full of mud, most things in their homes are ruined, or washed away from the water.
The kids and their families are safe, but the water was knee high, not to mention the mud. They had their doors closed, but with the pressure of the water they had to open their doors to let the pressure go, otherwise the houses would have collapsed. When they opened their doors the force of the water that went through their homes, took everything with it. Most lost their all their shoes, clothes, school knapsacks, gas tanks, some even lost their stoves to the water.

We have a great need for money and supplies right now.
So if anyone can send things down: Money would be best to buy foam rolls, we can't buy everyone a mattress, but possible a sponge roll to sleep. All their beds were soaked. and Metal for their roofs.
Supplies Needed:
Shoes (preferably CROCS)
Mosquito nets
food (rice)better to buy here
Knapsacks, school supplies, notebooks (all their school bags were washed away with the water)
mops and brooms, shovels,
roof metal
Thank you, we appreciate your support.

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