Today was a great day in the club! Jenny and Jencen taught English Class to the kids and they were so excited to continue on with what they've been learning this week. 14 kids were there for class and they were all so eager to keep learning!
They started the class with going over basic pronouns in Spanish and then translating them to English for the kids. Then they taught them "ser" (to be) and "tener" (to have) and then adjectives to accompany them. This way the kids could form basic phrases in English like "I am hungry or I am tired, even I am thirsty." After learning all of their terms the kids were able to describe themselves, the students around them and even Jenny and Jencen. They were so concentrated on learning the new terms! They were even taking notes throughout class so that they could take them home and work on their skills outside of club time!

After learning the new concepts, Jencen would go around the group and ask individual kids to answer questions about how he was "feeling" based on the actions he was making. It was hilarious! And the kids were so excited to participate. They were eagerly raising their hands, almost fighting even over who got to answer the question. It was so exciting to see them so pumped up!

The kids enjoyed the class so much that they weren't ready for it to end when class was over. They requested that Jenny, Jencen and the rest of the volunteers stay later than normal just to play. Of course we obliged! We went over to the sports field a few streets over and played every form of ball possible. Such a great afternoon!
We're gearing up for a big Saturday and getting ready for the rest of the summer!
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