This week we had 2 volunteers, Kathy and Kara, here from Ohio to work with the kids. Kathy is a registered nurse as well as a artist so she did check-ups on all the kids and also hosted a special jewelry class with the kids to make metal crosses. They were so excited! On their last night we asked Kathy to write some words on her experience here with us in Puerta Plata. Here is what she had to say! Along with some pictures from their trip here:)
"After physicals at the club – the kids had music class. A well known Spanish artist comes twice a week, to sing with the kids. They are supposed to make a CD as a fundraiser. They are amazing – so much fun. Beautiful singing!
Next we went to the Playa Westa barrio. Amazing poverty. Right on the water with large ships that just dump their crap in the water. The beautiful blue water changes to brown about 1000 feet out. This is where these barrio residents bath, wash their clothes and use the toilet. The first thing that hits you is the stench when you get out of the car. Then the garabage is everywhere. The homes (shacks) are maybe 15X15 with 4 rooms in that (kitchen, 2 bedrooms, and living room) all separated by cardboard or sheets. No cupboards / closets. No extra anything. Terrible roofing also. Basically homes on top/right next to each other. I am told during the raining season much of it floods. Through all of this they are the best dressed people you would see! Very, very hospitable. Sonya (one of the mother's) came home while we were there and made us all orange juice with ice. Probably for the family but gave it all to us. Also they have the biggest smile all the time. There is music playing everywhere. I guess you only know what you are brought up with or don’t know what you don’t have. And they have very little. It was incredible. Very sad.
A great, but somber day."
Thanks, Kathy!

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