DOVE Missions is a non-profit organization stationed in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic working with children and their families from the poor areas of Playa Oeste, Aguas Negras, and Barrio Nuevo. Please follow this blog to read about how DOVE serves those in need and how you, too, can lend a helping hand.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010


Poptarts are a delicious breakfast food. Yesterday, I was finishing one on the play ground with the kids. Marco was sitting next to me and asked for a bite. I broke him off a piece and I gave it to him. I only gave him a little because there were other kids around and I didn't want them to get upset. Marco emmediatley called over Antonio and Clariebelle is brother and sister. He first gave them a piece and then ate the rest. He keeps such a watchful eye on his younger siblings. Clariebelle's shirt was falling off her shoulder and Marco pointed it out to her. Later on of the other boys hit one of the other girls and he stood up for the girl telling the boy that you dont hit girls. I was so proud of him. He is such a great kid, really a mature young man. It is times like these when you know something is going right.

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